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Forum Announcement: ALL PW REQUESTS [READ THIS FIRST] !!! |
08-02-2017, 04:01 PM
All members please note that Passwords MUST be Requested from the member sharing the software By PM (Private Message) ONLY...
ALL posts asking for passwords will be DELETED without further notice... Thank You... Check if a member asks "The pass only thru pm section, or pass by PM." It is also normal on a forum to press the "Thanks" and "Rep" buttons under his post before requesting a password. The "Rep" button is the one after the "Find" button. If these requirements are not met many members will not give the password. PM = Private Message. To send one to the member simply push the "PM" button under his post. It is also important to say which password you need. If the member has posted many shares of software he will not know which password you ask for unless you tell him what the software is. |